The Great Lakes Water Wars
“If you are one of the many people who care about the Great Lakes, you must read this book. Annin is undisputedly the preeminent journalist writing about the most significant freshwater resource on the planet.”
-Todd L. Ambs, Director, Healing Our Waters–Great Lakes Coalition
Water Wars In the News

Great Lakes Compact protects water access. But that doesn’t mean thirsty neighbors won’t challenge it
Water tension in the west is causing worry across the Great Lakes region about water diversions. But, the lakes have never been better protected and diversions will likely happen…

Waukesha’s shift to Great Lakes water was a yearslong battle. Will other diversions follow?
City’s first proposal to use Lake Michigan Water was in 2010. The long path to approval shows how hard the process can be under Great Lakes Compact.
About the Author

Peter Annin
Director of the Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation
Peter Annin is the director of the Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation and the author of The Great Lakes Water Wars, the definitive work on the Great Lakes water diversion controversy. Before coming to Northland College in 2015, Peter served as a reporter at Newsweek, the associate director of the Institute for Journalism and Natural Resources, and the managing director of the University of Notre Dame’s Environmental Change Initiative. He continues to report on the Great Lakes water diversion issue and released the second edition of The Great Lakes Water Wars in September of 2018.